Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 238 - The city with no advertising

Sao Paulo - Bela Cintra Flats

Sao Paulo is one of the largest cities in the world with a population of about 20 million but there are two things that are very noticeable when you arrive. Firstly the lack of advertising anywhere as they had decided it had taken over the city so they had it banned it - something European countries could learn from with so many of their beautiful buildings desecrated by huge billboards. The second interesting observation is the amount of helicopters in the sky. Apparently Sao Paulo has the highest amount of helicopters in any city of the world, executives use them like taxis to go between meetings and their homes in the outer suburbs because of the traffic problems and also fear of kidnapping.

We caught the metro to the Latin American Monument, stumbling across an exhibition of a famous Brazilian painter, Candido Portinari. We walked in to the hall to see all these people posing in front of huge ceiling high paintings, and we wondered what the fuss was about. We later learned that they were the paintings done for the entrance hall of the UN General Assembly, only now exhibited in Brazil for the first time.

From there we took the metro to the Sao Bento monastery, and then to the area called Libertade, which was an area heavily populated by Japanese immigrants, then taking it easy for the rest of the day as we had a flight scheduled for very early the next morning.

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